

 Hubble helps users grow their professional network by connecting them with people attending the same event.

Hubble helps users grow their professional network by connecting them with people attending the same event.



Users can discover and get exclusive access to events happening around them.

Event details pre-purchase

Event details pre-purchase

A comprehensive details screen helps users pick the right event for them.

In-app purchases

In-app purchases

A streamlined payment flow makes snagging tickets a breeze.

Post-purchase event details

Post-purchase event details

Content auto updates to make all key information easily accessible for the day of the event.



While at an event, users are matched with other attendees based on professional goals, experience, and interests.

Match Profile

Match Profile

A quick snapshot of the match helps with breaking the ice.



If the match is right, users can connect through chat right within the app.

The Process

The Process

To help stakeholders better visualize the concept, we used rough wire sketches in order to define and refine the experience.